1. Search the MeSH database for the first concept in your research question. Click on MeSH Database.
2. Enter your search term and click Search.
3. Choose the proper MeSH, add to search builder, and search PubMed.
4. Click on Advanced Search to see your search history.
5. Select Title/Abstract from Fields menu, enter your keywords, click Add.
6. Select Add to History to add the keyword search to your search history.
7. Combine MeSH and keyword searches. Type appropriate line numbers into Query box and select Add to History.
8. Return to the MeSH database to look up another term in your research question.
9. Enter your term and click Search.
10. Select desired term, Add to search builder, Search PubMed.
11. Click on Advanced to view your search history.
12. Select Title/Abstract from Fields menu, enter your keywords, click Add.
13. Select Add to History to add the keyword search to your search history.
14. Combine MeSH and keyword searches. Type appropriate line numbers intoQuery box and select Add to History.
15. Combine MeSH and keyword search lines with AND. Type appropriate line numbers into Query box and select Add to History.
16. Click on Search to see search results.![]() |
1. Search MeSH for the first concept in your research question. Make sure the box next to "Map Term to Subject Heading" is checked. Click Search.
2. Click on blue hyperlink to view MeSH in the hierarchy tree.
3. Select desired subject headings one by one or explode term to include all narrower subject headings. Scroll back to top of page and click Continue.
4. Select desired subheadings and click Continue.
5. In Search Fields mode, type your keywords and synonyms separated by OR. Use truncation and phrase searching where necessary. Select the following fields from the menu: Abstract (ab), Keyword Heading (kw), Keyword Heading Word (kf) and Title (ti). Click Search.
6. Select the MeSH and keyword search lines. Combine lines with OR.
7. In the Advanced Search menu, search MeSH for the next concept in your research question.
8. Select appropriate heading. Click on blue hyperlink to see your term in the hierarchy tree or bypass the hierarchy tree by clicking on Continue.
9. Select desired subheadings and click Continue.
10. In Search Fields mode, type your keywords and synonyms separated by OR. Use truncation and phrase searching where necessary. Medline Ovid remembers the fields you selected--title, abstract, keyword heading, keyword heading word. Click Search.
11. Select the MeSH and keyword search lines. Combine lines with OR.
12. Select the line numbers next to the combined MeSH and keyword lines. Combine with AND.
13. Review final results.
1. Search Emtree for the first concept in your research question.
2. Enter your search term and select appropriate heading.
3. Exploding a term means searching for all narrower terms below in the hierarchy tree. If no explosion is desired, choose "Index term" (/de) from the list.
4. Click on Show Results.
5. Choose "Search" from the menu bar to perform a keyword search for your concept.
6. From the Add a Field menu, choose Title, Abstract or Author Keywords.
7. Type your keywords into the search bar and click on "Show results".
8. Select lines 1 and 2 from the search history and combine with the Boolean operator OR.
9. To search subject headings for the next concept in your topic, click on Emtree.
10. Enter search term and select the appropriate Emtree term from the list.
11. Choose "Index term" (/de) to search only this term and exclude "emaciation" from the search.
12. To search keywords for this concept, return to the Search menu.
13. Enter the keywords for this concept and click on Show results.
14. Select search lines 4 and 5 from the search history and combine with OR.
15. Select search lines 3 and 6 from the search history and combine with AND.
1. Search subject headings for the first concept in your research question. Click on CINAHL Subject Headings.
2. Enter your search term and click Browse.
3. Click on the link for the desired subject heading from the list provided.
4. Select all appropriate subject headings and click Search Database.
5. Click on Advanced Search.
6. Click on Search History.
7. Search for keywords related to the your concept. Select Title for the first search field and Abstract for the second search field. Connect the two fields with OR. Enter the same search string in each field.
8. After performing the keyword search, clear the search fields.
9. Select S1 and S2 from the search history and combine with OR.
10. Search subject headings for the next concept in your search question. Click on CINAHL Subject Headings.
11. Type in your search term and click Browse.
12. Select appropriate subject heading from the list and click Search Database.
13. After performing the subject heading search, clear the search fields.
14. Perform a keyword search for your concept. Select Title for the first search field and Abstract for the second search field. Connect the two fields with OR. Enter the same search string in each field.
15. After performing the keyword search, clear the search fields.
16. Combine search lines 4 and 5 with OR.
17. After performing the subject heading search, clear the search fields.
18. Select lines 3 and 6 from the search history and combine with AND. Review search results.
1. Select "Topic" from field menu and enter first search term.
2. Click on "Add Row".
3. Select "Topic" from field menu and enter second search term(s). Connect synonyms with OR and connect concepts with AND.
4. Click on "Add Row".
5. Select "Topic" from field menu and enter third search term(s). Connect synonyms with OR and connect concepts with AND. Click on Search.
6. Select desired articles and click on "Export".
7. Select desired format for export.