Use OR in a search to:
Example: Kidney Disease OR Renal Disease
Are anti-vaping campaigns effective interventions for e-cigarette use among high school students?
A search needs to be done for each concept. You connect the terms, both subject headings and keywords within an individual concept, with OR. The below search is based on a Medline database as it utilizes MeSH.
P = Population = High school students.
Adolescent [MeSH] OR Students [MeSH] OR Minors [MeSH] OR "high school student*" [ti/ab] OR adolescen* [ti/ab] OR minor [ti/ab] OR minors [ti/ab] OR teen* [ti/ab] OR youth* [ti/ab]
P = Problem = e-cigarette (use).
Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems [MeSH] OR Vaping [MeSH] OR "e-cig*" [ti/ab] OR ecig* [ti/ab] OR "electronic cigarette*" [ti/ab] OR vape [ti/ab] OR vapes [ti/ab] OR vaping* [ti/ab]
I = Intervention = Anti-vaping campaigns.
Smoking Prevention [MeSH] OR Smoking Cessation [MeSH] OR "anti-smoking campaign*" [ti/ab] OR "antismoking campaign*" [ti/ab] OR "anti-vaping campaign*" [ti/ab] OR "antivaping campaign*" [ti/ab] OR "anti-smoking program*" [ti/ab] OR "antismoking program*" [ti/ab] OR "anti-vaping program*" [ti/ab] OR "antivaping program*" [ti/ab] OR "antivaping program*" [ti/ab] OR "smoking preven*" [ti/ab] OR "smoking cessat*"