1. From the search results page, click on Export.
2. Select the export option Other File Formats.
*Web of Science will remember the last option you use and will select this option for you in the future.
3. Select the option Records from and input the range you wish to export. Next, you will select the option Author, Title, Source, Abstract for Record Content and the option Other Reference Software for File Format. Lastly, click on Export. NOTE: You can only export 500 citations at a time.
4. The file will be automatically downloaded as Text File (.txt). Save the file to your computer.
5. Log into your RefWorks account and click on Add, then select Import References.
6. Select Import from a File and drop or select a file from your computer.
7. The file type is not automatically recognized so you will manually search for Thomson Reuters. Next, select Web of Science from the drop down list and click on Import.
8. Optional: Select the folder(s) you wish your references to be imported into then click on Import.
** You do not need to import into a folder, but it is recommended to help keep your citations organized and easy to find. **
9. Congratulations! You have successfully imported your references into your citation manager RefWorks!