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UT School of Public Health

The UTHealth School of Public Health is one of six component institutions of the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston. The other five campuses are located in Austin, Brownsville, Dallas, El Paso, and San Antonio.

What is OpenAthens?

OpenAthens is a user authentication and e-resources access system that acts as your gateway to electronic resources licensed by The TMC Library. The user's right to access full text is validated on the resource side by using your institutional login.

The OpenAthens login option presents itself at resource provider sites. Once you’ve logged in with one site, you probably won’t need to log in again unless you’ve ended your browser session. With OpenAthens, you can also bookmark your favorite resources to access from any location or device.

For additional information on OpenAthens, please visit the OpenAthens LibGuide.

How Can I Access OpenAthens?

UTHealth users do not need to register for OpenAthens; they will be recognized by their institutional email account and the password associated with that account.