((health information exchange [tw] OR hie [tw] OR rhio [tw] OR regional health information organization [tw] OR hl7 [tw] OR health level seven [tw] OR unified medical language system [majr] OR umls [tw] OR loinc [tw] OR rxnorm [tw] OR snomed [tw] OR icd9 cm [ti] OR icd 9 cm [ti] OR icd10 [ti] OR icd 10 [ti] OR metathesaurus [tw] OR patient card [tw] OR patient cards [tw] OR health card [tw] OR health cards [tw] OR electronic health data [tw] OR personal health data [tw] OR personal health record [tw] OR personal health records [tw] OR Health Records, Personal [Majr] OR Health Record, Personal [Majr] OR ehealth [tw] OR e-health [tw] OR medical informatics application [mh] OR medical informatics applications [mh] OR medical records system, computerized [mh] OR medical records systems, computerized [mh] OR computerized patient medical records [tw] OR automated medical record system [tw] OR automated medical record systems [tw] OR automated medical records system [tw] OR automated medical records systems [tw] OR computerized medical record [tw] OR computerized medical records [tw] OR computerized patient records [tw] OR computerized patient record [tw] OR computerized patient medical record [tw] OR electronic health record [tw] OR electronic health records [tw] OR Electronic Health Record [Majr] OR Electronic Health Records [Majr] OR electronic patient record [tw] OR electronic patient records [tw] OR electronic medical record [tw] OR electronic medical records [tw] OR electronic healthcare records [tw] OR electronic healthcare record [tw] OR electronic health care record [tw] OR electronic health care records [tw] OR archives [majr] OR ehr [tw] OR ehrs [tw] OR phr [tw] OR phrs [tw] OR emr [tw] OR emrs [tw] OR Health Information Systems [Majr] OR health information interoperability[mh] OR health information interoperability[tw]) AND (medical record [ti] OR medical records [mh] OR medical records [ti] OR patient record [ti] OR patient records [ti] OR patient health record [ti] OR patient health records [ti] OR patient identification system [mh] OR patient identification systems [mh] OR Patient Outcome Assessment[Majr] OR Patient Discharge Summaries[Majr] OR healthcare record [ti] OR healthcare records [ti] OR health care record [ti] OR health care records [ti] OR health record [ti] OR health records [ti] OR hospital information system [tw] OR hospital information systems [tw] OR umae [ti] OR attitude to computers [mh] OR medical informatics [ti] OR Information Technology[mh] OR Information Technology[tw])) OR ((medical records systems, computerized [majr] OR medical records systems, computerized [mh] OR computerized patient medical record [tw] OR computerized patient medical records [tw] OR automated medical record system [tw] OR automated medical record systems [tw] OR automated medical records system [tw] OR automated medical records systems [tw] OR computerized medical record [tw] OR computerized medical records [tw] OR computerized patient records [tw] OR computerized patient record [tw] OR patient generated health data[mh] OR patient generated health data[tw] OR electronic health record [tw] OR electronic health records [tw] OR electronic patient record [tw] OR electronic patient records [tw] OR electronic medical record [tw] OR electronic medical records [tw] OR electronic healthcare records [tw] OR electronic healthcare record [tw] OR electronic health care record [tw] OR electronic health care records [tw] OR unified medical language system [majr] OR unified medical language system [tw] OR umls [tw] OR loinc [tw] OR rxnorm [tw] OR snomed [tw] OR icd9 cm [ti] OR icd 9 cm [ti] OR icd10 [ti] OR icd 10 [ti] OR metathesaurus [tw] OR ehr [tw] OR ehrs [tw] OR phr [tw] OR phrs [tw] OR emr [tw] OR emrs [tw] OR meaningful use [tiab] OR meaningful use [tw] OR Meaningful Use [Majr]) AND (j ahima [ta] OR j am med inform assoc [ta] OR amia annu symp proc [ta] OR health data manag [ta] OR int j med inform [ta] OR yearb med inform [ta] OR telemed j e health [ta] OR stud health technol inform [ta])) |
Source: MEDLINE/PubMed Search & Electronic Health Record Information Resources