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Where to Publish Your Research

This guide will show you tools to help you identify where to submit your manuscript.

Requests for Articles

This is an example of a typical solicitation letter for a disreputable journal:

Dear Xx. Xxxxxx, 
Contributing Your Research Paper
We have learnt about your paper titled [article title] in [Journal Name] and your subject is so much attractive.
So we intend to invite you to contribute other valuable works of related fields to the journal. The journal provides specialists in various domains with good access to the latest scientific researches around the world. All the manuscripts which meet the general criteria of significance and academic excellence are welcomed.
[Our journal] has been initiated with an aim for publishing the latest research results in the form of original research articles and review articles within the field(s) of health sciences research .
Register as a Member and Enjoy Special Offers
Being a member, you'll be presented with new resources, valuable opportunities and discount for publication which will absolutely promote your career development. If you register as a member now, you will enjoy discounts for paper publication in featured journals. For more details, please check out: [url]