Contact Chad Metz with any questions or concerns with Open Access Publishing.
Read and Publish, also known as a transformative agreement, is an open access (OA) model that bundles payment for reading access and payment for publishing into a single contract.
The Texas Medical Center Library participates in several Read and Publish agreements which aim to serve authors and the wider community by publishing high-quality, peer-reviewed OA content. These agreements waive or discount publishing fees for authors who wish to publish in open access journals.
Our current participating publishers are listed to the left.
Publisher agreements do not allow customers to choose specific titles for APC waivers and discounts. Each publisher provides a list of the titles included in the agreement.
Common terms in open access publishing:
Benefits for authors:
The TMC Library proactively supports Read and Publish and other APC discount agreements with publishers when the agreement is financially viable and provides authors with comprehensive open publishing options.
The Library does not currently fund article processing charges (APCs) but encourages our academic institutions to take advantage of these APC discounts.
The Library will continue to evaluate future Read and Publish agreement options from our publishers as they become available.