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Open Access Publishing Support

This Guide describes the Read and Publish benefits provided by the TMC Library

Elsevier Open Access

Elsevier – Publishing conditions 2023


Elsevier has an open access agreement with the University of Texas, as part of the TLCUA.

Overview of the agreement:

  • 10% discount on APC for Hybrid OA journals
  • 15% discount on APC for Gold OA journals


  • must have a corresponding author affiliated with the Texas Medical Center Library
  • must be submitted with corresponding author's institutional email address for approval
  • be an eligible article type in a participating journal: case reports; data in briefs; full-length articles; micro-articles; original software publication; practice guidelines; protocols; review articles; replication studies; short communications; short surveys; video articles

How to use this agreement:

Submit an article in Elsevier journal covered by agreement.

  1. Once the journal accepts your article, you (the corresponding author) will receive an email containing a link to the “post acceptance author journey” with a unique link to complete the author journey.
  2. To choose publishing options click on the ‘Complete the Rights and Access information form’.
  3. Select affiliation. Note: Institution listed under "The TMC Library".
  4. Add co-author details (for all co-authors).
  5. Add Funder Details, if applicable. Funder can be the affiliated institute or a different one. 
  6. Based on the corresponding author affiliation details, the author sees the Publishing Options. If the librarian rejects the author request in the Elsevier Platform, we make it clear that the author will receive a full price invoice but will also be presented with the option to change to subscription.
  7. Select user license type (CC BY 4.0 or CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) and status.
  8. Review and agree to terms of License Agreement.
  9. Image of sciencedirect publishing invoice options
  10. Review order and submit.


Once the author clicks on Order and Pay: 

  • Corresponding author and coauthors will receive a copy of summary via email.
  • Article becomes OA on ScienceDirect within 24 hours
  • Librarian will confirm affiliation and validate (approve) request. Once approved, the author will receive the discounted invoice.