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Searchable database of committees & meeting materials. Type a drug name in the Search Advisory Committees bar.
Limit search results to conference papers &/or proceedings under Advanced Search.
Google Scholar
Entering 'Conference report' as a phrase search in quotations, alongside the topic or title concerned, also as a phrase search, should bring results. Ex: diabetes and "conference report"\
Northern Lights
Northern Light Life Sciences Conference Abstracts is a grey literature database, ideal for research scientists at pharmaceutical and biotech companies, healthcare organizations, academic institutions, research libraries, and research teams at hospitals. The database provides unique access to over 3.5 million abstracts and posters from 4,300 medical and life sciences conferences across the globe dating back to 2010, including over 12,000 coronavirus-related presentations.
OCLC index of papers presented at conferences worldwide
An OCLC index of worldwide conference proceedings