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DigitalCommons@TMC Get Started Guide

Digital Commons @ TMC is an online repository sponsored by The TMC Library and dedicated to serving as a scholarly resource for member institutions of the
Texas Medical Center..

Host Your Conferences & Events Content

Have you ever thought about hosting a conference or a workshop and not sure where to find a server to host, advertise and save the recordings and related conference files (poster sessions, slide decks, and supplementary files)  of your event?

Did you know that Digital Commons@TMC can help you host the content of the conferences, symposia and workshops? It can help you display important conference information such as the location of each event or presentation, as well as the start and end times, in a chronological view similar to a conference program or schedule. When registered conference attendees only attend virtually or those who couldn't make it in-person, can still look through different parts of your conference events as if they are attending the conference?

Schedule setup interface

Also, did you know that once your video is uploaded (either directly from your desktop or linked from Youtube), your conference attendees and those that may be interested in your conference recordings can view the video directly like the sample below?Video Streaming in DigitalCommons@TMC

We can help you with the review processacceptance of speakers, event advertisement, registration, and finally the archiving of materials from the event. Materials collected and archived can include:

  • Speaker Bios
  • Presentations
  • Audio/Video Recordings
  • Flyers/Event Announcements

If there are presentation, audio, or video files your event needs to be access controlled so only a group of people registered or attended your conference can access, we can help you set that up if files are for downloads only. Streaming audio and videos don't provide features to be access controlled, but directly shared to the web. 

TMC affiliates are eligible for a customized design for their event page in Digital Commons@TMC at no cost to the event coordinators. For additional questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Some examples from other institutions:

If you are interested in getting your conference or workshop started, we strongly recommend event organizers interested in uploading works to the repository to peruse the full list of FAQs before starting the process. Fill out the Digital Commons Event Setup Form and contact us so we can help you guide through the process getting your conference or event setup started!

TMC Library