This service is for students, and for researchers who want to perform their own reviews. Below is a broad overview and scope of what the service entails:
Researchers are expected to develop their own search and be responsible for citation management. The librarian can provide instruction for any questions about these stages of the process. This is the service that students have access to, which is based on the TMC Library's Student Assignment Policy.
The TMC Library will be collocating Library-approved courses on how to do systematic review projects and/or how to do systematic review literature searching, as these projects require advanced-level literature searching skills.
These courses are asynchronous materials that have been published through other health science professionals. The Library recommends that for those who have never done a systematic review or who would like to understand the whole process to complete one of these courses before starting a review or before creating systematic review assignments/projects.
Introduction to Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis by Johns Hopkins University
MichiganX: Advanced Literature Searching in the Health Sciences by University of Michigan
If you have an assignment/thesis/dissertation/etc. and have a research topic question in mind already, consult the following resources to come prepared for the initial consultation:
To schedule additional meetings, fill out the Consultation Form.
Searching consultations are the most popular consultation types. For systematic review level searching, most users will need to learn how to search databases first as the process is far different from typical searching behavior in search engines like Google or FireFox.
If you need resources to learn how to develop a search strategy, consult the following:
For advanced search assistance check out the more advanced resources below: