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eBooks at The TMC Library

How to access the 800,000+ eBooks of The TMC Library

Things to know about eBooks

  • If an eBook says "Currently in use", it's because the Library's subscription allows only one user at a time. Please wait a little while and try to access again.
  • Subscription-based eBooks usually cannot be downloaded to a personal tablet/reader, but you can still view them. 
  • Since eBooks have different publishers and interfaces, ease of use will vary, depending on each publisher.
  • Some eBooks have watermarks that appear on the pages when you print, depending on publisher security rules.
  • Some eBooks allow users to print only One chapter/section/page at a time, depending on the publisher platform.
  • Most eBooks can be keyword searched.
  • Most eBooks may be highlighted or annotated, but typically, users first have to set up an individual profile at the publisher site.

Accessing eBooks

1. From the TMC Library's homepage mouse over "Find" and select "Search Tool".


2. Then select "eBooks Search" and type in your search terms.


Various Ways to Find an eBook

You can find an eBook in the following ways:

  • Title or subject keywords
  • Browse by MeSH subjects
  • Browse by general subjects
  • Browse eBook collections from various publishers, series, or databases
  • Browse our Collection Highlights for eBook collections by medical subject



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